This page has been set up to provide media professionals with royalty-free images and other resources for use in print, broadcast and online coverage of Edinburgh band The Firrenes.
(Note: the band name is pronounced "Firreens", rhyming with "beans").

Please credit the originators of the material wherever possible. All enquiries: or tel. +44 131 208 5373. The band's website can be found at

1. Press release - Edinburgh gig, 12 March 2022
Click on the link, or right-click and 'Save target/link as...' to download:

2. Band profile and album track list
Click on the link, or right-click and 'Save target/link as...' to download:

3. Lossless audio files for review and/or broadcast
Right-click and 'Save target/link as...' to download.

The Firrenes - Time and Place [WAV audio file].jpg     The Firrenes - Door Too Wide [WAV audio file].jpg
The Firrenes - Everything Solid Melts into Air [WAV audio file]

4. Standard resolution RGB band images for web
Right-click and 'Save target/link as...' to download. Please credit Kallum Corke.

the_firrenes_1_rgb_lo-res.jpg     the_firrenes_2_rgb_lo-res.jpg

5. High resolution CMYK band images for print
Right-click and 'Save target/link as...' to download. Please credit Kallum Corke.

the_firrenes_1_cmyk_hi-res.jpg     the_firrenes_2_cmyk_hi-res.jpg

6. CMYK (print) and RGB (web) band logos
Right-click and 'Save target/link as...' to download. No credit required.

images/the_firrenes_logo_dark_cmyk_hi-res.jpg     images/the_firrenes_logo_dark_rgb_lo-res.jpg